A strong remote work resume is essential when applying for a tech position. In this highly competitive field, it’s crucial to showcase your skills and experience in a way that highlights your ability to thrive in a remote work environment. Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just starting your journey, these six tips will help you create a compelling remote work resume that stands out to potential employers. Remote work requires a specific set of skills, such as communication, collaboration, time management, self-motivation, and problem-solving. You should highlight these skills on your resume and provide examples of how you used them in your remote work experience. You can also use keywords and phrases that relate to remote work, such as virtual, online, remote, telecommute, or distributed.

If you can’t motivate yourself to work when you need to to stay on track, then you’re going to have a hard time with a lot of remote jobs. Some remote jobs have tons of checks to make sure you’re getting your work done when you should. But other remote jobs are more like “here’s what you need to get done in the next two weeks” and you don’t get another check until that work is due. One of the biggest perks of a ton of remote jobs is that you have flexibility about when you work. You might have meetings at specific times, but if you need to run out for the afternoon or prefer to take a long lunch on Wednesdays to go to your favorite yoga class, you can.

Can You Mention a Client’s Name on Your Resume?

You can include these skills in your summary statement, skills section, or work experience bullet points. If you search for a telecommuting job, previous remote work experience https://remotemode.net/ will be an asset for employers. Let alone the fact that listing tech and soft skills specific to working from home will give you more chances of getting noticed.

remote work experience examples

And people will notice if you’re still sitting at your desk past five regularly. Also, your resume doesn’t need to go as far back as 10 years unless it’s necessary. Going as far back on your resume as up to 3 years can be enough. What’s more important than showcasing the length of your employment history is showcasing that you’re capable of bringing results.

Work-From-Home Resume FAQs

As conversation picks up, it can be hard to get a word in edge-wise. If you wait for the perfect opportunity, you might never have a chance to speak. This way, remote folks can join any meeting added to the calendar without meeting organizers having to do anything special. I am very aware that this office is a privilege that many cannot afford—it costs $700 CAD / $525 USD a month.

  • In a remote position, communication primarily occurs through virtual channels such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing.
  • In addition to the ability to manage time, priorities, and deadlines, experienced remote workers possess a number of valuable skills.
  • Personally, I do not have a location added to any job on my resume.
  • If, for whatever reason, you want to keep the company’s location, consider listing the fact of telecommuting in the very first bullet point.
  • Being a self-starter, an excellent communicator, or an outstanding manager of time are all great qualities to present for an array of jobs.

It’ll even be essential for some job titles as hiring managers will need someone who can lead and cooperate effectively with a global team. As a rule, you should always customize your resume and cover letter for every job you apply to. But, when how to indicate remote work on resume you’re learning how to put remote work on your resume, follow a few extra tips to make sure you land in the “yes” pile. Believe it or not, you probably have remote work experience, even if you’ve never worked for a fully distributed team.


For example, you may have a summary section where someone else might have a skills section instead. When you’re done, our free resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better. These potential clients of yours need to see examples and proof that you’ll be able to be a self-motivated worker and competent at the tasks they ask of you. Soft skills consist of subjective skills, also more related to personality traits, that are harder to quantify. If you think your 10 years of experience working and all your certifications will get you the job, you’re wrong. Check your resume carefully, look out for spelling mistakes, grammar errors, formatting, and make sure all the information and contact details are accurate.

Yes, virtually every job out there requires “good communication skills.” But digital communication skills are more specialized. Proactively prioritize office management, administrative support, and operational tasks to maximize efficiency and exceed goals. However, there is a growing need for remote workers, and you should take advantage of that by clarifying your desire or openness to working off-site or from home. You can also target companies and job boards that focus on remote opportunities. It is important to be extremely clear that you are looking for a remote work opportunity.

Why Your Job Offer Got Rescinded (and What to Do About It)

Here are some key tips to help you tailor your resume for remote jobs. One of the best ways to showcase your remote work experience is to quantify your achievements and show how you contributed to your employers’ or clients’ goals. You can use numbers, percentages, or metrics to demonstrate your impact and results. For example, you can mention how much you increased sales, productivity, customer satisfaction, or quality while working remotely.

8 Skills You Should Highlight When Applying for Remote Jobs – Yahoo Finance

8 Skills You Should Highlight When Applying for Remote Jobs.

Posted: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

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